Roswell Psoriasis Treatment
Are you looking for psoriasis treatment specialists in Roswell? If you or someone you know have been diagnosed with psoriasis, let our Roswell team of professionals at Olansky Dermatology & Aesthetics provide you the most advanced and effective dermatology treatment for psoriasis. Psoriasis is a common skin condition that affects up to 3% of Americans. However, it is a disease that may cause a lot of embarrassment for those that suffer. Olansky Dermatology & Aesthetics in Roswell is proud to offer our psoriasis patients with a range of treatment solutions, whether it is a topical cream, oral medication or injection.
Psoriasis Symptoms
Olansky Dermatology & Aesthetics has relief for your psoriasis symptoms in Roswell, GA. The classic symptoms of psoriasis are raised, red patches of skin. These patches are usually topped with loose, silvery scales. Plaque psoriasis is the most common type, affecting about 90% of psoriasis patients. In this type of psoriasis, the patches are often found on the knees, elbows, scalp, hands, feet and lower back. Other symptoms of psoriasis include itching during a sudden flare-up, psoriasis affecting the joints, and psoriasis involving the body folds. Our dermatology practice in Roswell, GA has the expertise to properly diagnose your psoriasis skin condition and provide the symptom relief you desperately need.
What Causes Psoriasis?
Psoriasis is a chronic disease that is caused by a rapid growth of skin cells. The immune system sends faulty signals to the skin cells causing them to grow too quickly. The body is unable to shed these extra skin cells and they begin to pile up on the skin’s surface causing psoriasis to appear. Olansky Dermatology & Aesthetics can treat your mild or severe psoriasis with the treatment solution best for you. Contact our Roswell Psoriasis Treatment Specialists at Olansky Dermatology & Aesthetics today for a comprehensive consultation today.