Olansky Dermatology & Aesthetics’ Physician Assistant, Wayne Emineth, Discusses His Medical Journey and Chronic Skin Conditions on Wsb Radio

Wayne Emineth, a physician assistant at Olansky Dermatology & Aesthetics, appeared on the June 23 episode of “The Weekly Check-Up,” a healthcare talk radio show featuring host Dr. Bruce Feinberg on WSB Radio. Mr. Emineth discussed dermatology and his unique journey into the field.

The Weekly Check-Up · 6 – 23 – 24 Wayne Emineth of Olansky Dermatology

Emineth began the show by sharing his experience of enlisting in the U.S. Army. Despite being offered a role as a nuclear submarine engineer, he chose to pursue a medical career within the Army. After six years in the military and working at Kaiser Permanente, he settled in Jonesboro, Georgia to complete his physician assistant studies. He now focuses on chronic skin conditions at Olansky Dermatology & Aesthetics.

During the episode, Emineth discussed his personal healthcare history, explaining his experiences with juvenile idiopathic arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, and psoriasis. He shared how he consulted multiple rheumatologists and received a fibromyalgia diagnosis before discovering effective treatment with disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs, which were initially employed by rheumatology physicians during that period.

Emineth provided more information about the diverse treatment options for psoriasis, which include creams, pills, injections, and topical treatments. He stressed the significance of treating skin conditions comprehensively, stating, “Skin is the gateway to getting your whole body to feel better.”

Emineth touched on common concerns among patients, such as cysts on the back and scalp, as well as the higher occurrence of autoimmune diseases in women, linking it to hormonal factors and genetic variations.

To close the show, he talked about warts, explaining their appearance, contagion, and various treatment options. He offered general dermatological advice, debunking the myth of exfoliating, which he said often exacerbates eczema.For more information or to schedule a visit with Wayne Emineth at Olansky Dermatology & Aesthetics, visit Olansky.com or call 404-355-5484.